320 gr ripe tomato
1/2 clove garlic
120 gr red pepper
80 gr durum wheat breadcrumbs
2 dl extra virgin olive oil (blends of Hojiblanca and Picual)
Rice vinegar


Blend the tomato with the garlic, pepper and durum wheat breadcrumbs until smooth. Add a few drops of rice vinegar then form an emulsion with the virgin olive oil. Check for salt and strain. Transfer to a siphon, add two charges and chill.

Maillard oil
Griddle a few pieces of very lean tuna over a low heat. Separate everything that sticks to the griddle. When brown and dry, remove and weigh. Blend the Maillard reaction with virgin olive oil (Arbequina variety), 4 parts of oil for one Maillard reaction, then leave to settle.

When it has precipitated, pour off the tuna-flavoured, transparent oil and strain through a very fine coffee strainer. Cut toro into 1 cm dice. Pour a little Maillard oil at 60ºC into a small liqueur glass and submerge a cube of toro. Cover with the Antequera foam and a few roasted dice of textured soya. Spear the toro with a tagegushi and serve.