INGREDIENTS (serves 15):
Aniseed infusion:
1.5 l. water
50 gr. tomato skin
50 gr. star anise
2 Kg. corn dough
1.5 kg. black beans cooked in stock
300 gr. lard
1 bundle plaintain leaves
Cream jelly:
1 l. sour cream
5 sheets gelatine
Green sauce:
1 Kg. tomato
2 cloves garlic
250 gr. white onion
50 gr. coriander
3 green chilis
250 gr. fresh cheese, grated
Coriander shoots
Aniseed infusion: Make an infusion with the anise and the tomato skin and leave to cool.
Tamales: Liquidise the dough with the salt and the aniseed infusion. Liquidise half the black beans with a little stock to form a purée. Leave the other half of the black beans whole. Heat the lard until it smokes, stirring all the time. When it runs freely on the base of the pan, add the crushed and the whole black beans. Cook for 10 min. over a low heat so that the mixture does not stick. When cooked, leave to cool down. Burn the plaintain leaf and make the tamales when the dough is completely cold. Wrap in the plantain leaf first, then in aluminium foil. Cook sous-vide for 1 hour 20 min. Leave to cool.
Cream jelly: Soften the sheets of gelatine in iced water. Heat 100 ml. of water and melt them. Add to the cream and leave to set. Cut the jelly into 2×2 cm. dice.
Green sauce: Heat the tomato, green chili, onion and garlic in a comal griddle until soft and fully cooked. Grind the coriander with the salt and cumin and add.
Arrange two tamales, one on top of the other, on a base of cream jelly. Decorate with grated cheese and a teaspoonful of green sauce. Finish with the coriander shoots.