1 corn-fed chicken,
weighing approx. 3.5kg.
250 gr white wine
Olive oil
1 onion
Red peppers
1 head garlic
Serrano ham
Pour a small cup of olive oil into an earthenware dish, add a head of garlic and cook over a low heat. Cut the chicken into pieces and remove the skin. When the head of garlic is brown, remove from the oil and add the chicken. Brown, then set aside. Add the grated onion to the oil, cover and cook. When the onion is soft, add the ham sliced very thin. Roast the peppers over a flame then transfer to a plastic bag and leave to cool. Dip in cold water, then peel, seed and remove any veins. Dice and add. Stir with a wooden spoon. Blanch the tomatoes for 1 minute then peel and seed. Cut into pieces and add. When the tomato is liquid, add the browned chicken and cook until the meat is coming off the bone. Add a glass of white wine at the last minute. Bring to the boil and serve.
See photo.