Parsley water:

50 gr. Parsley

20 ml. extra virgin olive oil

A touch of lecithin



100 gr. cooked sliced snails

60 ml. parsley water

60 gr. Alpine butter

A touch of garlic

Salt and pepper


Creamed potatoes:

220 ml. water

75 gr. Ratte potatoes

5 gr. Salt


Pine nut cream:

150 ml. water

75 gr. pine nuts

20 ml. extra virgin olive oil

A drop of whisky


Mushroom gel:

25 gr. dried funghi

250 ml. water

A pinch of salt


Garlic foam:

200 ml. milk

40 gr. French red garlic

1 gr. sugar

Pinch of salt

30 gr. egg white for every 200 gr. sauce

2 siphon cartridges



4 PGI Piedmont hazelnuts, toasted

20 gr. black truffle

2 roasted cocoa beans

10 gr. of crisp black bread crust crumbled into large pieces

½ tsp coarsely ground coffee

Fleur de sel




Parsley water: Centrifuge the parsley and bind it with the extra virgin olive oil and the lecithin.


Snails: Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the garlic. Fry until golden and add the slices of previously prepared snails. Add a little of the parsley water and check the seasoning, adding salt and pepper to taste.


Creamed potatoes: Cook the potatoes in the salted water. Leave to cool then blend.


Pine nut cream: Roast the pine nuts slowly and carefully. Leave to cool.  Blend with the cold water and olive oil. Finally, mix in the aged whisky.


Mushroom gel: Plunge the mushrooms into water at 90º C (194ºF). Leave to stand overnight and the next morning, then cook. Boil until reduced by 30%, and drain. Add salt and the fermented corn starch.


Garlic foam: Peel the garlic and blanch it 3 times in boiling water. Place it in the milk and bring to the boil together with the sugar. Reduce the mixture, check the seasoning and beat. Place the sieved egg white in the siphon and add two cartridges. Keep at 60ºC (140ºF).


In a soup plate arrange a base of mushroom gel and snails. Place a spoonful of creamed potatoes on top. Add a teaspoonful of pine nut cream and the ingredients mentioned under "others" divided into four portions. Finally, cover the whole with the garlic foam so that it forms a monochrome white blanket over the other ingredients to create the impression of undergrowth coated with a fine layer of snow.