2000 gr. big beets
20 gr. fresh or dried woodruff
1 star anise
15 ml. chicken glace
Apple vinegar

Smoked  marrow:     
200 gr. marrow from veal bones
1000 ml. water
70 gr. salt
100 gr. woodchips

4 medium sized long beets
1 big round beet
4 green acidic apples
60 ml. water
50 gr. butter
2 twigs of thyme
8 leaves of sorrel


Sauce: Peel and juice the big beets, add the woodruff and star anise and reduce to 1/4. Season with the chicken glace, the apple vinegar and strain.
Marrow: Soak the bone marrow in ice water for 48 hours changing the water at least two times a day. Cook brine on salt and water and when cooled down soak the marrow for another 48 hours. Smoke lightly in smoker with smoking chips and hay. Cut slices of approx. 0,5 cm and cut them out with a round cutter. Melt all the marrow remaining and pass through a strainer when completely melted.
Garnish: Boil the long beets for 35 min until tender, strain off and peel them before they cool down, cut in discs of 1 cm thickness. Slice the apples 1 cm thick and cut them out with a round cutter in the same size as the beets. Heat the water and whisk in the butter to emulsify, add the thyme and cook the apples at low heat for around 2 min.
Slice the big beet finely on the meat slicer and cut out 3 discs per person with a round cutter twice the size of the beets and apples. Cut the sorrel in the same size and let it sit in cold water for 5 min.


Heat and glace the beets in the sauce and plate them with the apples, sorrel leaves and the raw discs of beets, heat the marrow slowly in the oven and add to the plate, split the warm beet sauce with the melted marrow and sauce the plate.