Injection solution:
1l. Water
1 Sprig parsley
4 Cloves garlic
10 ml. Soy sauce
3 gr. Powdered ginger
1 gr. Powdered liquorice
1 pinch salt and pepper
800 gr. Carré of lamb / ribs (200gr. / Person)
Freeze-dried beer:
1 bottle (33cl.) Dark beer
25 gr. Sugar
25 gr. Beer albumin.
Beer stock:
500 gr. Lamb bones
2 Onions
1 Clove garlic
1 Scallion
250 ml. Water
250 ml. Lamb stock
20 ml. Dark beer
3 gr. Powdered hops
1 pinch salt and pepper
80 gr. Tatsoi leaves
20 ml. Extra virgin olive oil
2.5 Ml. Rice vinegar
1 Pinch salt and pepper
Beer jelly:
1/2 bottle (33cl.) Lager
16 gr. Gelatine
Injection solution
Place all the ingredients in a pan and cook for 15 minutes. Pour through a cloth strainer and place in the syringe. Lamb: Inject the sirloin of lamb with the solution and leave to stand for, at least, 24 hours. Then, trim the lamb and cut into individual servings. Brown on both sides until just cooked but still moist. Set aside. Freeze-dried beer: Mix the beer wtih the sugar and albumin and beat vigorously as if making a meringue. When very frothy, use a spoon to lift irregular spoonfuls (as if making croquettes). Place these spoonfuls on a pan, then freeze. When frozen, place the pieces in the freeze-drier (at -50.5ºC and 0,065 mBar) and leave for approx. 24 hours. Keep in an airtight container.
Beer stock
Lightly paint the bones in a little oil; add the garlic and finely-sliced onion and fry gently for a few minutes. Deglaze with the lamb stock and some water. Simmer for 2 hours, then strain. Before serving, for every 100ml. sauce, add 20ml. dark beer and 3gr. powdered hops, and season with salt and pepper. Set aside.
Cut the leaves into triangular shapes, leaving the stems. Mix the oil and vinegar and use to dress the tatsoi leaves.
Beer jelly
Soak the sheet of gelatine and add to the boiled beer; leave to cool. When set, chop lightly with a knife. Set aside.
Prepare a salad with the beer jelly and the tatsoi leaves. Serve the lamb with some freeze-dried beer on one side and the salad on the other. Serve the beer stock very hot in a jug, and pour over the freeze-dried beer so that it melts.
*Tatsoi: green plant with spoon-shaped leaves and a mild mustard flavour