Fresh, free-range eggs:
60 gr. Potato foam
1/2 kg potatoes
20 cl cooking water
25 cl single cream
100 cl olive oil (0.4º)
1 tsp black truffle oil
1 ISI siphon
2 gas cartridges
First prepare the filling for the eggs. Take good-quality, free-range eggs and boil for 2-3 minutes. Remove the top and empty, keeping the contents. Peel and dice the potatoes, then cook in 1 litre of water. Drain and place in the Thermomix with the cooking water, the freshly boiled single cream, oil and salt. Blend until a smooth cream forms. Transfer this cream to the siphon, with two gas cartridges, and heat over a bain-marie. Make the eggs into containers by cutting off the top with a special device, emptying them and boiling the shells to disinfect them. Mix the inside of the eggs, previously set aside, with a teaspoonful of black truffle oil and salt. Heat under the grill, making sure it does not set. When warm, place the egg and truffle oil mixture inside the empty egg shells, filling them half way. Fill the rest of the egg with hot potato foam. Top with a little black truffle oil. Serve the egg inside a closed, plastic egg-box but also provide an egg-shaped dish to make it easier to eat.