INGREDIENTS (to serve4) 

1/2 cucumber 
1 Greek yoghurt 
50 gr Philadelphia cheese
4 mint leaves 
1 shoulder spring lamb 
1/4 cinnamon stick
2 cloves garlic 
7 black peppercorns 
1 bay leaf 
1dl white wine 
1/2 litre water.
Ice cream:
1/4 litre fresh tomato juice 
1 small tsp powdered cummin 
1/2 tbsp curry powder
25 gr glucose or sugar 
2 drops Tabasco 
Lamb sauce:
1/2 kg neck of lamb 
50 gr soya 
1dl red wine 
Stock from cooking the lamb 
1/2 carrot 
50 gr leek
1 white onion.
Other ingredients:
1 frozen, pre-cooked baguette 
1/2 cucumber 
1 spring onion
2 sprigs parsley 
20 pink peppercorns.
Mixed leaves:
mustard, watercress, red chard, lamb's lettuce, lollo, rosso, oak leaf lettuce, chicory and frisé lettuce.


Peel and seed the cucumber. Blend half of it with the yoghurt, cheese and mint leaves. Strain and season.Trim the fat off the shoulder of lamb and place in an earthenware dish with the white wine, water, salt, garlic, cinnamon, black pepper and bay leaf. The meat should be completely covered with liquid. Cover well with aluminium foil and cook in the oven for 75 minutes at 160ºC. Turn every 15 minutes. When cooked, leave to cool, then remove the bones. Cut the meat into medium-sized pieces.

Lamb sauce

Lightly fry the vegetables in olive oil with a little thyme and rosemary. Add the soya and reduce until almost dry. Moisten with the red wine and reduce again to one quarter. Pour over the lamb stock, add the bones and cook slowly for 2-3 hours, adding water. Remove from the heat, strain and reduce if necessary.

Ice cream
Heat the tomato juice then add the cummin and curry and leave to infuse. Add the sugar and Tabasco. Season, then strain and freeze. Blend, add a little syrup and freeze again.
Cut 1⁄2 a pre-cooked, frozen baguette lengthwise into slices 1.5 mm thick. Use the slices to line the walls and base of rings 6 cm in diameter. Bake until dry. Remove the bread cases from the rings. Place the washed salad leaves in a bowl with water and ice.

Cut the rest of the cucumber into julienne slices and the spring onion into thin rings. Place in the cold water. Fry the parsley leaves.


Place 3 cm of the yoghurt sauce in the base of the plate. Fill the bread case with dressed salad, and top with diced lamb and lamb sauce. Place a quenelle of tomato ice cream alongside it and decorate with spring onion rings, fried parsley and pink peppercorns