INGREDIENTS (serves 4):


100 gr. kimchi

1 tbsp. grapeseed oil

80 gr. Brussels sprouts without the dark outer leaves

4 Spanish mackerel fillets, 110 gr. each

Salt and white pepper

50 gr. red radishes

50 gr. white radish (Raphanus Sativus Acanthiformis)

1 gr. nori seaweed

Argan oil

Grapeseed oil

Sea salt




Blend the kimchi in a kitchen robot. If the texture is too thick, add a little grapeseed oil.

Cut the white radish into segments and add to the kimchi purée. Cut the red radishes into thin slices and sprinkle with a small pinch of salt and a little more sugar to make a fast pickle sauce.


Remove the leaves from the Brussels sprouts and discard the hearts. Bring a large pot of salted water to the boil and quickly blanch the leaves. Refresh immediately in iced water. Drain well and set aside.


Season the mackerel with salt and white pepper. Heat a little oil in a pan over a high heat for 1 min. Place the mackerel skin side down in the pan and brown fast until the skin blisters. Remove.





Serve a spoonful of kimchi purée onto each plate and spread out using the back of a spoon. Cut the browned mackerel fillets in half and arrange the two portions, one on top of the other, forming a figure "L". Arrange the pieces of red radish around it. Decorate with the blanched Brussels sprout leaves, the white radish and the nori seaweed. Sprinkle with argan oil and serve.