INGREDIENTS: (to serve 4)

2 pike fillets
Sea salt
30 ml calamus oil
15 ml sunflower oil
15g butter


4 crabs
1 litre fish stock
30 ml charred leek oil

Watercress emulsion:

300 gr watercress
1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
1 potato
1 onion

Saffron consommé:
1 litre fish stock from blanching the crabs
1g saffron
15 ml calamus essence

Duck blood:

100 ml fresh duck blood
25 ml water-lily vinegar


Water chestnuts, fennel flower, chive flower, rocket flower


Pike: Marinate the pike fillets with a pinch of salt and sugar for 6 hours. Remove the salt and sugar marinade. Cut into portions and place in a vacuum pack with the calamus oil.
Sous-vide cooking: Submerge the vacuum pack containing the pike in water at 56ºC for 18 minutes. Leave to stand for 3 minutes. Remove the skin. Soften the butter with a drop of sunflower oil and fry the pike fillets on the skin side for 15 seconds.
Crab: Blanch the crabs in the fish stock for 15 seconds. Cool in iced water. Remove the meat from the body and claws. Place in a vacuum pack with the charred leek oil. Cook sous-vide at 54ºC for 12 minutes.
Duck blood: Mix the duck blood with the vinegar and add a little salt. Transfer to a squeezer bottle and chill.
Saffron consommé: Place the calamus essence and saffron in a pan and bring to boiling point. Add the fish consommé and boil. Leave to cool, freeze, then clarify by filtering through ice. Watercress emulsion: Remove the leaves from the watercress. Sauté the stems with the onion, garlic and potato until soft. Blend in the Thermomix. Cool, add the leaves and freeze in the Pacojet. Repeat the operation 4 times.


Place a few drops of charred leek oil in the base of the plate and top with drops of watercress emulsion. Arrange the water chestnuts and chive, fennel and rocket flowers, then top with the pike fillets and crab. At the table, pour over the saffron consommé and add 3 drops of duck blood.