250 gr "ricino" egg pasta
1⁄2 litre flavoursome shellfish stock
4 tbsp onion, garlic and parsley lightly fried together
Chopped parsley
Olive oil
Grated parmesan
0.4º olive oil for frying
Squid bundle:
4 squid, 12 cm long
4 thin slices of jabugo ham
Squid ink vinaigrette:
Juice of 1 lemon
Ink from 4 squid
Fish fumet
1º Arbequina virgin olive oil.
Fry the pasta in plenty of olive oil until golden. Drain on kitchen paper and leave to cool. Mix the pasta and the onion, garlic and parsley mixture in a casserole. Pour over the shellfish stock and simmer for five minutes. Finish cooking in the oven. Wash the squid, open up and square off. Cut into long, thin strips. Cut the ham slices the same way and use to wrap round bundles of squid strips. Griddle quickly with salt and olive oil. Sprinkle with parmesan cheese and brown slightly. Place the squid ink in a saucepan with the fumet and lemon juice. Heat up, season and blend. Cook in the Thermomix with a splash of olive oil. Strain and transfer to a squeezer bottle. Fill an 8-cm ring with the "ricino" pasta. Bake briefly in the oven.
Serve as shown in the photo.