INGREDIENTS (to serve 10)

250 gr carrots
250 gr turnips
200 gr peas shelled
250 gr courgettes
150 gr broad beans shelled
150 gr green beans
Sea salt
100 gr mango flesh
1 lemon
10 gr fresh ginger
20 gr parsley
20 gr fresh coriander
30 gr butter
100 gr fresh peanuts

10 gr Thai basil leaves
10 gr curry leaves
25 gr pine nuts
50 cl olive oil (approx.)
2 pinches fleur de sel
10 gr dry Pecorino cheese


To make the pesto, start by roasting the pine nuts without oil. Mix the Thai basil and curry leaves with fleur de sel and olive oil. Add the cheese and pine nuts, mix and chill. Skin the peanuts. Wash and peel the carrots, courgettes and turnips, and top and tail the green beans. Cook each vegetable separately in boiling salted water, then refresh in iced water. Chop the ginger and lemon rind very finely and set aside separately. Cut the mango flesh in julienne strips.


Cut the herb stems and chop. Heat 2 or 3 tablespoons of water in a deep pan, add the vegetables and heat as the water evaporates. Add butter in pieces over a medium heat, stirring to glaze the vegetables. Season and sprinkle with the chopped ginger, herbs and lemon rind. Add the julienne of mango. Serve with the pesto.