1 1kg live snow crab from West Australia
5 l. water
½ teaspoon lemon juice
½ tablespoon white balsamic vinegar
sea salt to season
½ teaspoon grape seed oil
Horseradish oil
200 gr. fresh horseradish root
200 ml. grape seed oil
1 cup tapioca extract
Egg whites:
2 whole eggs
¼ leek, washed and dried
1 teaspoon squid ink
Frozen verjus
250 ml. pink verjus
Garnishes to finish
4 tablespoons puffed white rice
2 teaspoons barberries, soaked in warm water
4 tablespoons picked wild purslane leaves
20 gr. salted salmon roe
20 gr. freeze dried coconut
Crab: bring the water to a boil in a medium saucepan, season to taste with sea salt. Humanly kill snow crab by spiking it through the soft part of the shell. Once dead immediately plunge into the pot of boiling water, simmer for 14 min. Remove crab from pot and plunge into a bucket of iced water. Allow to cool in ice for 8 min. Remove from ice and pick crab meat from shell. Set aside in refrigerator.
Horseradish oil: Peel horseradish and chop roughly. Place in upright blender with the grape seed oil. Blend until smooth. Place in rotary evaporator and distill at 30ºC until all moisture has evaporated. Remove oil from flask pass through muslin cloth discarding solids. Measure 50 ml. horseradish oil, mix in a bowl with tapioca extract until a powder forms. Season with a small pinch of very fine sea salt. Set aside.
Egg whites: Boil eggs for 10 min., refresh in iced water. Peel shell from eggs and separate whites and yolks. Grate whites coarsely using a box grater, then chop them once with a cooks knife.
Leek: Grill leek until golden brown. Place in a bowl and coat lightly with squid ink. Dehydrate for 24 h. until crisp. Set aside in an airtight container.
Frozen verjus: Pour verjus into a small stainless steel tray and place in freezer. Stir with a fork every 30 minutes to break up ice crystals until it is completely frozen.
Season crab with a few drops of lemon, white balsamic and grape seed oil and mix well. Place a small spoon of chopped egg whites in the center of each bowl.
Place the crab meat on top. Sprinkle on the barberries, leek, puffed rice, salmon roe, coconut and lastly top with purslane leaves. Spoon a little frozen verjus on top and finish by covering with the horseradish oil.