INGREDIENTS (serves 4):

Tomato concentrate:


Olive oil



2 medium-sized cuttlefish with their bags of ink

20 gr. crystallised lemon

2 cuttlefish tripes

320 gr. rice

1 clove garlic

80 ml. extra virgin olive oil

1 tsp chopped onion

1.5 l stock (half vegetable, half light fish stock)

100 ml. warm fish stock to submerge saffron threads

½ tsp saffron threads

20 gr. butter

10 gr. Parmesan

Pepper and salt

2 ink bags from the two cuttlefish

4 tsp tomato concentrate

Fresh orégano





Tomato concentrate: Cut the tomatoes in half lengthwise, season with salt and leave in the sun until they dry. Push through a sieve, and preserve in a bottle with a little oil to cover.


Risotto: Cut the crystallised lemon into pieces and crush in a mortar with the cuttlefish tripes. Wash the cuttlefish, remove the bags of ink and cut the flesh into very thin julienne strips.

Brown a clove of garlic with a little oil in the pan for the risotto. Remove the garlic and lightly brown the rice. Add the chopped onion and brown. Add the stock with the saffron and cook until the rice is soft. Mix in the butter, Parmesan and a little freshly-ground pepper.




Serve half the rice on 4 plates. Mix the rest of the rice in the pan with the ink and the julienne strips of cuttlefish, and place a little of this rice at the centre of the yellow rice on each plate. Finish with a ball of tomato concentrate using two coffeespoons. Decorate with a little fresh oregano and two pieces of crystallised lemon on either side of the yellow rice.