1 kg shank of beef
150 gr black truffle
200 gr almonds, peeled
4 cinnamon sticks
8 gr smoked black tea
50 gr dried boletus mushrooms
150 gr icing sugar
150 gr glucose
5 gr liquorice
40 gr pine concentrate
For the first broth: Place the beef in a pan with water and add the flavourings – carrots, celery, onion – and cook for 4 hours. Then add ice with the cinnamon and leave to settle. Filter.
For the second broth: Transfer the first broth to a pan and add what is left of the beef with the flavourings and leave to cook for a further 4 hours. Leave to settle and filter.
For the tea infusion: Place 500 gr of the resulting broth in a container, add 8 gr of smoked black tea and leave to infuse for 1 minute.
For the boletus mushroom infusion: To another 500 gr of broth, add 50 gr of dried boletus. Infuse for 30 minutes.
For the liquorice wafer: Grind 5 gr of pure liquorice then add this powder to a mixture of 150 gr of icing sugar and 150 gr of glucose. Heat to 140ºC,
then cool and beat. Place the resulting mixture in a cylindrical container and caramelise using a small blowtorch, forming thin, round wafers.
For the almond cream: Place 200 gr of peeled almonds in a container of cold water and leave to soak for 24 hours. Drain, dry and grind until creamy.
For the pine concentrate: Boil some pine needles then leave to cool. Press to obtain a concentrate. Add to it 0.5 gr of natural gelatine.
TO SERVE: Mix the two broths in a bowl, stir and pour a small
amount onto a flat dish. Top with a liquorice wafer then add some stripes of
almond cream and a few drops of pine concentrate. Cut the truffles into
wafer-thin slices and arrange on top.