INGREDIENTS (to serve 4)

1.2 kg octopus
3 cardamom seed capsules
2 lemons
Fleur de sel
15 cl olive oil
10 black peppercorns
2 star anise
Tomato chatini:
500 gr tomatoes
100 gr red pepper
10 gr mint
10 gr coriander
2 small Rodrígues peppers in vinegar
Table salt
1 cl lemon juice
2 cloves garlic
10 gr ginger
2 cl olive oil
Curry vinaigrette:
5 cl Mauritian Massalé
2 dl strong olive oil
Table salt
Aromatic dressing:
2 onions
2 cloves garlic
10 gr ginger
1/2 bundle fresh coriander
1 dl white wine vinegar
1 Rodrigues pepper
1 small tsp turmeric
1 dl olive oil
Fleur de sel
Juice of 2 lemons
Courgette purée:
100 gr courgettes
25 gr green mango
Powdered aniseed to taste
Sea salt to taste
Juice of 1 lemon
Sweet onion salad:
100 gr sweet onions
50 gr spinach shoots


Wash and clean the octopus. Blanch and leave to cool. Chop the lemon rind and set aside. Squeeze the juice from 2 lemons. Place the octopus in a pan with 5 cl oil, 2 litres water, the spice and some sea salt. Simmer for 45 minutes then drain and leave to cool. Cut the octopus into slices, and dress with olive oil, lemon juice and salt. Tomato chatini: Peel and seed the tomatoes then chop. Roast the red peppers, peel and chop finely. Mix with the tomato, then add the garlic, ginger, chopped Rodrígues pepper, chopped mint and chopped coriander. Dress with salt, lemon juice and olive oil.


Curry vinaigrette
Peel the onion and garlic and chop finely with the ginger. Sauté in 1 dl of olive oil, then add the turmeric and chopped Rodrígues pepper. Deglaze with the lemon juice and white wine vinegar. Reduce until dry, add the octopus, mix and leave to macerate for 24 hours.

Courgette purée
Cut the courgette into thick slices and cook in boiling water. Add salt and drain. Mix with lemon juice, green mango and powdered aniseed. Strain and season.

Sweet onion salad
Peel the onions and slice finely. Trim the spinach shoots, wash and mix with the onion.