
150 gr young cauliflower

150 gr good-quality potatoes

4 medium-sized white asparagus spears from Navarra

150 gr leeks (only the white part)

100 gr salsify

8 baby turnips

150 gr medium-sized St George’s mushrooms

80 ml Hojiblanca extra virgin olive oil

220 ml water

10 gr salt


Vegetables: Wash the asparagus well and trim with a peeler. Discard 4 cm from the stalk. Set aside the tips and cut the rest into thin rings. Cook in the water with salt over a medium heat for 20 minutes.

Clean the mushrooms and remove the stalks. Add these to the asparagus cooking water while still cooking, then wrap well in kitchen film and leave to cool so that they release all their flavour. Strain and taste, reducing the liquid a little if it needs to be more concentrated.

Set aside one mushroom for the garnish. Cut the rest of the mushrooms and the other vegetables into pieces, more or less all the same size but not too big. Form parcels out of aluminium foil containing four pieces of each vegetable, plus 50 gr of the asparagus cooking water and 4 ml of virgin olive oil. Carefully seal each parcel and cook in a steam oven at 85ºC for 25 minutes.


Finish with some wafer-thin slices of mushroom and a few asparagus shoots if in season.